Turbine Insulation
Steam Turbine with Spray Insulation.

A special type of insulation, namely mineral wool-based spray insulation is an additional option. Due to the complex housing contours of steam turbines, this insulation type can be used in conjunction with textile mattress insulation to ensure the least amount of heat loss in these areas.

A cavity made of expanded metal is inserted equivalent to the insulation thickness previously calculated by us for the area to be insulated. The insulation is then blown into the cavity and dried by the turbine’s own heat emissions. Finally the system is coated with external protection made of mineral heat plaster, providing oil and water-repellent protection.

The advantages of this spray insulation system are the extended durability and the extremely efficient insulating effect. The spray insulation is a closed system and as a result there is no heat loss. This system is well proven to increase efficiency and reduce energy costs.